Checking if anything progressed ...

Monday, August 31, 2009 | | 0 comments

After waiting for a few hours, I checked the character which is still lvl 1. I decide to have a little chat with the service provider.

rose 08-31 23:37:20
hello! what can I do for you ?
You 08-31 23:38:04
Hi Rose.  I'm checking about P02920098301414871.  I'm surprised that the character is still lvl 1
[Prompted] 08-31 23:38:56
Thank you for your patience! I am typing for answering your question now, Please hold on a few seconds and don't leave.
 rose 08-31 23:41:11
plz dont worry
rose 08-31 23:41:21
we will start your order within2-4h
You 08-31 23:44:25
well you told me at 15:04:42 not to worry, that you would start "within" 8 hours. I want to be sure that it is actually starting.
[Prompted] 08-31 23:45:17
Thank you for your patience! I am typing for answering your question now, Please hold on a few seconds and don't leave.
You 08-31 23:45:30
I don't want to spend my time bothering you and checking the progress, but it's a bit worrying as nothing seems to be going on.
[Prompted] 08-31 23:46:20
Thank you for your patience! I am typing for answering your question now, Please hold on a few seconds and don't leave.
[Prompted] 08-31 23:46:23
Haven't received your messages for a long time, are you still beside your computer?
 rose 08-31 23:47:03
we will hurry up for you
You 08-31 23:48:13
I'll go to bed then and check back tomorrow morning.  Thank you for your time.

... rest beeing goodbyes I forgot to copy/paste them.
So, as told in the chat, I'll go to bed and check tomorrow morning what (if anything) happened to my Priest.


As I was a bit worried seeing that my character didn't level a tiny bit, I contacted support for a chat.

hello ! Glad to serve for you!
You 08-31 15:02:37
Hi Rose
You 08-31 15:03:19
I'm just checking the status, as the website says working, but nothing seems to happen with my character
You 08-31 15:03:34
orderID is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[Prompted] 08-31 15:04:26
Thank you for your patience! I am typing for answering your question now, Please hold on a few seconds and don't leave.
rose 08-31 15:04:42
we will start your order within8h
rose 08-31 15:04:44
plz dont worry
You 08-31 15:05:19
I aslo have a question.  when I ordered it said 14 days.
You 08-31 15:05:30
Are these 14 days /played or 14 calendar days ?
[Prompted] 08-31 15:06:21
Thank you for your patience! I am typing for answering your question now, Please hold on a few seconds and don't leave.
rose 08-31 15:06:37
calendar days
You 08-31 15:06:59
Ok, thanks for the informations.  Have a nice day, goodby !
You 08-31 15:07:07
rose 08-31 15:07:33

I'll probably wait until tonight and check back.

Email to saleveling about the blog and my profession's choices.



Thanks for your e-mail.
As you service looks intresting and as I want to share my feelings , I decided to blog about how the leveling goes.  I'll post frequent news on this website :

I haven't had a chance yet to specify which professions I want leveled.  I'd like to choose mining and engineering if it is ok.

Thank you !

I quickly received an answer :

dear sir,
glad to hear from you ,we will make a note your professions in our system then finish it for you ,thanks for your sharing .

It starts !


This morning I received an email stating that they are starting the leveling.

Dear xxxxx xxxxxx:
As for Item Number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for choosing our powerleveling service, we have commenced your order. We will send you an email stating the fulfillment of your order when it is completed! Many thanks!
Yours sincerely

I decided to actually have a look as whether they really stared or not. I loggedn on may main account and typed a /who command to see if the other character is logged. Nada. Well, let's give them a bit more time.
I checked back 4 hours later. Still nothing. I logged the leveler account and my Priest is still level1.

The website has a repot section where you can check the status of your order.

Looks like they're on it now, as earlier today it was stated "waiting" instead of "working"



Hi everyone. A bit of Introduction on the subject. I've been having fun with wow since day 1, participating in the US beta version a few years ago. I always enjoyed the game, started playing on the US servers and then, later closed those accounts to play with my friends on the European servers, having to restart from scratch as there was no way at that time ( and still isn't at the moment) to transfer characters from US to EU accounts.

I played a few characters up to lvl 70 (Warrior, druid and warlocks) and leveled some others to 50-60 (rogue and mage). After a while I became bored by questing and searched for other options to lvl those characters. I was mainly interested by a priest and decided to use the RAF levelling system to try and get one of them to 60.

I've been busy since then with work and family. Too busy to play those RAF chars. Although I had rushed the alt to 56, I had to stop playing and when I came back to the game willing to boost the other character by "giving" levels, it was too late, the Friend relation was outdated and it wouldn't work anymore.

So I'm back with this 25 priest that I'd like to play with, but I won't quest anymore as I'm too bored with those quests. I tried BG leveling, but it really takes a while to gain experience through Warsong and Arathi. I'll probably keep playing those for the fun, but I have the feeling it will take ages to reach 80 with BGs.

So I came to a conclusion. I'd like to have a 80 Priest, mainly for BG fun. I don't have much time as I have work and family to take care of. I have a bit of money I can spend, so why not try a poerleveling company. I then googled for powerleveling and saw Cheap WoW Power Leveling pointing to a website called

I decided to give it a try. The website itself is well presented. I already had my 25 Priest but realised it would be nearly the same price to start from 1. As I don't want my main account used for the leveling (having a few 80s there), I revived a Wotlk account I froze a few months ago. That account had the advantage of having just 1 character left on it, and not an important one.

I changed the password for the power levelers and ordered a promotion pack which is supposed to be completed under 14 days :

Item: Fastest WotLK 1-80 T7 Package

(1)First Aid to 450
(2)Tier7 Weapon and Full Tier7 Set(25 men Raid) Talent tree of your choice
(3)Free to train the Dual Talent Specialization Ability
(4)Key to the Focusing Iris
(5)300 Riding skill + Epic Flying Mount + Epic Mount
(6)Cold Weather Flying skill
(7)Any two profession to 450
(8)Complete your class quest
(9)Open your current flight paths(Azeroth + Outlands + Northrend)
(10)Free 20000 Gold

As this is a first time for me, I decided to blog about it. I'll most probably email about the fact that I blog about their service, maybe it'll push to a better service, who knows.
